I have a confession to make. I don't think it will be a surprise to you if you know me but, I am a
nail polish junkie.
I love nail polish. I am usually just sporting a plain color but sometimes I try nail art. Today I would like to share some of my nail art inspiration with you.
I think matte nails look stunning.
It just looks so fierce. Also, like in the picture, if a matte topcoat is used over a black polish the finished look is just so neat and polished. Especially if you get the nail rim perfectly round it is just a satisfying sight.
Continuing with the matte look a matte nail with a glossy tip can look great. I know the opinions will be divided about this look. Personally I like it!

This is also great! The amount of work and effort put into this look makes it even better. Accessories can more easily get caught behind objects. This makes the look less durable.
I think this look is the look I admire the most. I can only imagine the time and effort put into this look. If you use a good base and top coat I imagine this look can be very durable. I hate that if I do nail art and it is ruined or chipped after one or two days and I have to take it off. Especially if it was as much effort as this look probably is.
This is just too cute!
I think that these are nail stickers / patches. I definitely don't think that she did this by hand.
GOLD! I love the look of pure glitter. I don't however like the extreme amount of effort is takes to remove glitter polishes. I tend to avoid wearing glittery polishes for exactly this reason, and if I do choose to wear a glitter polish I wait as long as possible to remove it.
I love the simplicity of this look. Even though it might look hard it actually isn't, and it is still cute!
I tried the look myself. At the time I couldn't find my white nail polish so I used black. I truly enjoyed this look. It also lasted for a good amount of time.This is a look that I really want to try! It just looks like so much fun!
Sometimes I have days where I want to do something more than just one color, but I don't have the patience or time to do extravagent nail art. On those days I like accent nails. Accent nails are really easy but add just that extra touch that I am looking for.
Shatter polish. You either hate it or love it. I love it for an accent nail or as shown in the picture above.

Last but not least I want to share some basic full color nails. I just love the look of a perfectly polished one color nail.
These arwe amazing! Thanks for sharing them. I'd love to see more.